Doc On The Road

The Gameplan!

John Trimble Season 4 Episode 14

Last episode we talked about the SEM Method which stands for Strategy, Education and Medical Evidence. Prior to that method, we have what we call the “Gameplan” which is basically the list of conditions that a veteran is eligible to go after.

It’s important that you know your Gameplan to be able to properly strategize your path to the rating that you deserve. Make sure to work with a coach to guide you in the right direction!


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[00:00:00] VACI: If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to linked in our show notes and take advantage of a free VA claims discovery call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve. 

[00:00:31] Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters in a uniform. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the Road. I got an interesting subject for you today. But before I say this and before I get into the subject, I just wanna go ahead and remind everybody as I'm getting ready for these trips that are coming up to different places like Kentucky Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Arizona I just wanna remind you guys that sometimes when we get caught up in all the [00:01:00] stuff that is going on, we need to have some release points. 

You need to have release points to where you're going out and doing things. Don't get stuck at the same thing where you're sitting in front of your computer screen going do I have all my evidence?

Do I have all this? Do I have that? Have I watched enough videos? All that is great, but you don't wanna overdo it. You wanna remember the reason why you're doing this is building towards a sense of freedom. Building towards a sense of learning about new things that you could be doing. Learning new hobbies, new activities so that way it counteracts all the negativity.

You want to add more positivity in your life, so make sure that you're doing that. Sometimes we get caught up with the thing where I've gotta look at this, I gotta read this, I gotta see what this study says, I gotta do this. All of that is fine and dandy, but again, you need to go ahead and take some time for yourself.

You need to go ahead and take some time to spend with your family. And it is funny because it's a subject that we're going through [00:02:00] as coaches here at VA Claims Insider. That we forget about that ourselves. And I can notice while I'm, coaching a coach that sometimes there's days where all this has just come down on top of them and they feel like there's not enough time in the day to get things done.

However, if they took some time and actually went and did some vacation time or whatever it is, and it could be something simple too. Gardening anything like that, just to get you up and moving just a little bit will help with this. And what we're realizing now also is when everybody comes back from vacation, they've been rejuvenated.

They're recharged, they're ready to rock and roll. And get right back into the game of it. So I'm urging all of you as veterans, you need to go ahead and do this simply because it just, it adds more enjoyment to the whole process. There's been nights where I've been [00:03:00] sitting here looking at different things, looking at different strategies, game plans, all that kind of stuff, trying to develop the right path for somebody.

And, sometimes it does get a little bit hard on us. Especially if it's a real challenging type of claim. So we wanna make sure that we're all taking the time to go ahead and get out, do something different, do something that gets our mind moving in a different direction because sometimes that works like that.

I remember talking to a client, I think this was about three years ago, this guy was working on his claim. And we were talking and he kept getting denied for a number of different things because the medical evidence just wasn't overpowering. He just wasn't sending the VA in the right thought pattern.

And as we were talking, he came to me when we were on the phone and he said, hold on just a second. I keep getting these headaches over and over. And that's what it clicked to me. Wait, what did you just say? You just, you get headaches. Long story short, we [00:04:00] actually turned that into a claim for migraines because he'd already been diagnosed with it and been taking medications for it.

But never really looked at it and didn't really even tell me at the time that this was going on. And because of that claim, he actually went over a hundred percent. So sometimes we need to slow down, look through the weeds of different situations, and sometimes we find the answers just sitting there waiting for us.

Now with that story said what I'd like to do is talk about the difference between game plan and the difference between strategy. Strategy is where you take all the conditions, you're getting 'em service connected, and you're working out a plan on how you're going to attack. But before that, you need to have a game plan.

And a game plan is basically on the conditions that you're talking about, so that's why it's so important to let your coach know what conditions that you know of that there's [00:05:00] medical evidence for. What conditions are there out there that you have talked to somebody about? And those conditions can actually be worked up into a strategy.

So remember that the difference is actually the conditions that you're talking about. Or the conditions that you come to VA Claims Insider and you say, Hey look, I wanna work on these. That is the type of stuff that is what your game plan is. Now, there's a couple ways to do this game plan thing.

Usually if you're going to the VA, you have what they call a problem list. And with the problem list, we'll actually outline all kinds of different things that either happen to you in the military, condition wise or conditions that you've noticed because of those conditions and also conditions that develop shortly after the military, but definitely could be caused by the military.

And these conditions are pretty much what you're gonna work with to develop that [00:06:00] strategy. And if you remember from last week, we talked about the SEM method, the strategy, education and medical evidence method. So that plays right into it because you're talking about conditions that you want to go for and conditions that can be idd.

So when you and your kids sit down, you're actually talking about these particular conditions. That can definitely develop into claims and develop into situations. So that's basically the difference there. Now again how you can actually do this is with your problem list one. You can actually go onto myHealtheVet and actually name off each and every condition that you can think of.

To your doctor, I need to talk to you about this. I need to talk to you about this. I need to talk to you about this. And by doing that, your ID and stuff that will go into the game plan and later become your strategy. And you know how important strategy is. So [00:07:00] doing this, it labels and puts in front of everything.

These are the conditions that I'm truly suffering with on a daily basis. And by talking about 'em, just like that story I just told you about by talking about 'em in such a manner other conditions will start appearing. That could be secondaries or other primaries. So it's highly important to remember that you need to get all the conditions out and talk about honestly that whole being uncomfortably vulnerable about what is truly affecting you how things come about how they truly affect you in a manner to where you can actually start building that strategy now.

Again making sure that you're doing Your problem list and making sure that you're telling your doctor about each and every one of these conditions. So that way you start that medical file, you start that medical paper trail that you're gonna need later on. So when you talk to your coach, develop [00:08:00] that strategy, you've got all that stuff already labeled and out there in front of you and your coach.

That way those are where the puzzle pieces start coming together. That's where you start learning to build that picture that you need to build for your claim. That is really one of the first main steps that you really need to get done. The game plan, like I said, always gets confused with strategy, but it's actually got, it's an own entity.

Its own piece of the puzzle. Because it sits there and also you could be looking at it and your coach could be looking at it, and you come up with the strategy. But the thing is it's a starting place to where you can actually truly start the whole process by saying, Hey, look, I suffer from migraines.

It's always been there. It's happened because of a trauma that happened while I was in the military or, and or some other situation. So when you're [00:09:00] looking at that, make sure that's what you're looking at and your idea and that kind of stuff. Because once it builds up and you build your strategy, then you're going back into that SEM method that I talked about last week, where you start the education.

These type of claims actually will rate higher than these claims or conditions. Even talking about it, you get kinda confused about it. But that's the main way to look at it. And it also builds a situation to where soon as one condition gets service connected, you're looking at it going I've already got everything built up here for medical evidence.

I've already studied what this is. That is what we probably should be going with next. And that will actually, you and your coach, as you do that will actually really start bringing in your whole plan of attack. And that's the way it needs to be looked at too a plan of attack as you're going towards your claims [00:10:00] and going to do this in the most efficient way.

Make sure you work on that list. Make sure you talk about what is and isn't bothering you as a condition. And how those conditions actually rate, how those conditions actually can affect other conditions. Know that. And when you're talking with your coach, it makes it a little bit easier also for your coach.

'cause as soon as they hear a couple of key things, they're off and running with the strategy and making suggestions to actually help you get there as fast as possible and as efficient as possible. Hopefully that helps out with you guys today. And also remember that story that I told you where I was talking to that gentleman, and because of that, it turned into a winning claim that actually took him over a hundred percent.

So I didn't tell you that gentleman had been working on his claim for a good 10 years all of his claims for a good 10 years. And that was the one piece that was [00:11:00] staring him right in the face. But because he never really told me about it, it was hard for me to figure that out until that phone, famous phone call that he made to where we discovered that and ran with it.

Hopefully this helps out a lot. I look forward to talking to you guys. I have a special surprise. Next week with a I wouldn't say it's a panel. There's three of us that are gonna be talking, and that's actually gonna be a real special one for me because it's about coaches that have come through the system themselves, gotten hired as a coach and also been promoted numerous times.

We're gonna have a really good one with Stacey Allen also Caleb the Big Marine. And it's gonna be interesting because we're gonna talk about how the community is so important to us. So look for that for the following week. Love you guys. We'll talk to you soon. This is doc out.

[00:11:58] VACI: [00:12:00] The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today by going to linked in our show notes. You'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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