Doc On The Road

Season 4 Recap: Advise to Carry You to the Next Level

John Trimble Season 4 Episode 16

My brothers and sisters in uniform, we’ve come down to the end of Season 4! This past season we’ve discussed a few things and had guests who imparted their knowledge to us!

As we recap and look back, I am grateful for your continued support! We have a lot in store for you on this upcoming season so stay tuned!


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[00:00:00] VACI: If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to linked in our show notes and take advantage of a free VA claims discovery call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

[00:00:31] Dr. John: Hello my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it is time for Doc on the road. I wanted to go over pretty much just a snapshot of what we've gone over. Season four has been awesome. We've had some awesome guests, we've had some awesome discussions. You guys have learned a lot with some of the information that we were able to share.

We were able to share with our IT department how to get started, how to work the program, how to work Insider, how [00:01:00] to get into that. We've also had a great discussion about the PACT Act the ins and outs of that. Knowing that you still have to have a diagnosis of a condition to actually get to make that play with the VA.

We've learned the path. And how a claim goes through its path with a number of different things that happen, different raters that actually take a look at it. We've also learned about the community and the importance of the community, why we're building this, why we're building a community that can actually stick up for itself and actually help other veterans get through the process.

We've learned about the SEM method. That was a really big eye-opener from some of the feedback that I got of how this program works so much more efficient and faster than most. We had three VCMs get on here and actually talk about their journey all the way from client all the way up to becoming a coach and also being promoted to the [00:02:00] Veteran Coach Manager spot. 

We've heard that and that was great. I also heard from Terrell, the President of VACI, and also we've heard from Brian the founder of VACI. All of this came together with a little bit of work here and there a little bit of knowing and learning what you all were looking for.

So that's why we attacked those subjects like we did here in season four. Like I said, this will be the last one for season four. We'll probably take a couple weeks break because we have all that big new stuff that's coming for Doc on the road. We're trying to figure out a way to do, say a call in show.

We're also trying to figure out a way to do little tiny TikToks and different informational type stuff to get out to you to where this gets expanded a lot more and you can actually see some videos and stuff like that. So we're trying to figure that out and doing the finishing touches on that.

When that happens, there's a lot of people behind the scenes that we don't [00:03:00] really give a lot of credit to. Simply 'cause we're too busy moving on with the direction that we're going. We actually have a guy named Thirdy. He is the mastermind of getting these all edited and getting them done in a quick, fast motion.

Also correcting some of the mistakes I make. That's the funny part because he actually does that. We also have Rob that actually does a lot of stuff like that, but then we also have the guys behind the scenes. We've got a lot of different things coming up with marketing. We have a lot of different things coming up with a lot of entities that nobody really knows about with VA Claims Insider.

When we have those forward facing classes, We have the information going out, that's all you see and all you hear is from the coaches. Very rarely do you hear about guys like those two that actually make sure that this is put together in the right manner. And we also have a number of people that are saying, Hey John, I think you might wanna talk about this subject.

And John, I think you might wanna talk about this. [00:04:00] All of that stuff is very valuable and make sure that you guys are getting the information and getting it in a manner to where it's a little bit different than say, just go into a class. We take a lot of pride in that. We take a lot of pride on trying to be right all the time.

Even if we're not right, we have a couple of guys that actually get together and edit a number of the episodes so we can make sure that they're right for you as we go forward. So really appreciate that and we really appreciate everybody that listens and everybody that is signing up and subscribing.

That's one of the big things. Make sure you subscribe and make sure that you're telling your buddies. So they can actually get the word too because we actually wanna make sure that we're bringing more and more people in and getting more and more information out. Now as we go about this there's a couple of subjects.

I wanted to go ahead and brush on just a little bit. We have a number of podcasts out there. You have a lot of different free services that happen for [00:05:00] veterans. You have a lot of different ones out there. There's one particular that the gentleman works with a law firm and he says he will give advice out for free.

Yeah. He does. But again, he's tied to the law firm and if you guys remember law firms the way they create their income is they bill on billable hours. Now, in anything that you've ever done with a lawyer, you know that takes time, that takes a lot of effort and stuff like that.

Now these other ones say VSOs and stuff like that, yes, they offer their services for free, but they're a little bit different than us. They don't really dig into the particular conditions. They just write 'em down and they just go ahead and file the paperwork. And then you have some out there such as myself.

There's a couple of others that actually do work off of the whole positive aspect of this. There's some that give classes. There's some that if you sign up with them they'll give you classes and [00:06:00] stuff like that to actually get you further along. So those are pretty cool too. So there's a wide range of the way things are done, and I suggest that you pick the one that fits you best.

All right? Don't down talk one. Don't get into a situation where you're arguing with somebody. Just 'cause one worked for you doesn't mean it's gonna work for your buddy. The best thing that we can think about is this community keeps getting built. We're getting built by a number of different ways of doing this.

So you always gotta stay positive when you're doing your claims. You've always gotta stay positive and look for what's best for you, what suits you the best. And I always point to if you hear a lot of negativity where you don't want to deal with them or you don't wanna deal with this, or you don't wanna deal with that negativity does nothing but hurt veterans in the long run.

Because all that's doing is driving veterans away, and we're driving veterans away in droves because of that negativity. So always try to keep it positive, [00:07:00] always keep it moving forward, and always making sure that you're selling, Program that works for you. Because we have like they say, on thousands and thousands that have come through VACI and it's worked for them.

Now, VACI might not work for everybody 'cause it's a particular program that actually digs deep and digs into things and also does a lot of training, a lot of education. We have a lot of different situations where we might show say a little bit more empathy because we're trying to figure out where you're at and where you need to be.

Again, there's a lot of other programs out there that actually do a number of different things and can actually work for you. I just say, do your research. Once you hear negativity about where they say, we don't do this and we don't do that, and this company here and that. And once you hear that kind of junk Yeah, go ahead.

And I always call it being a fruit inspector. I always said, I don't [00:08:00] judge anybody, but I do check the fruit on a tree. I do check to find out if you're being positive and if you're being helpful to all. That actually come to you. So be a fruit inspector. Inspect that fruit that's on the tree.

If there's a lot of rotten negative fruit on the tree, obviously that is not the tree for you. That's the best way I can put it without getting personal or anything like that. And I don't wanna get personal because I wanna make sure the veterans are searching and veterans are looking out for all these different programs that are out there that can help.

Because let's face it, we're never told anything when we get out. We're never told on how this should work. We're never told about, Hey, do this, do that instead, none of that gets done. So you have to get in with a coaching type of situation to get you through that. Now Brian brought up a very interesting thing that no matter what in life, we need to have a coaching experience.

I know I had played sports [00:09:00] throughout high school and got to learn from some awesome men. I had a football coach that actually played for Bear Bryant at Alabama, and he would just come up with these little zingers and little dingers that'll get you to think about. How you're moving, how you can actually get better and what you need to work on.

I used to love listening to him talk to even other players on the team. So I could go man, maybe I should try that. Maybe I should do this. So I always go by the aspect of since I came through this program as a veteran and a client, Yes, the coaching is very valuable. I'll never forget my coach, I'll never forget his coach.

I'll never forget any of those guys because they actually started me on a path that got me to where I am now. That path has led to a number of veterans being successful and a number of veterans Experiencing life change where their kids are going to [00:10:00] college now when they wouldn't have in the past.

They've got medical care for their whole family, a number of different things. Taxes have gone. Write offs for the student loans gone. And that's what affects that generational change that we keep talking about because then the kid looks at it and goes, I get to go to college because my mother, my father did this.

That's how we're gonna build that pride back up. That's how we're gonna build that pride up. That a couple episodes back where I talked about my grandfather, where I had such pride when I saw those pictures. 'cause I knew that was something big, that was something that. Was bigger than him and he went ahead and took on that challenge and took on what they could do.

And one, I love those type of stories. I really get into those type of things. So now as we're building that up, we're building up all these different things that can actually help a family with change and a family really coming [00:11:00] together and really going like, man, dad, thank you. 

Dad or mom, thank you for. Doing what you did, making the sacrifice, getting out there and being part of that 1% that went ahead and served. Because of that, I get to go to college. I get to go ahead and make my mark in the world, and it's all because of that. We need more of that in this world.

I think once we have more of that in this country and more people realizing that. We're gonna get better at working out problems. We're gonna get better at listening to each other. We're gonna get better at going yes, that's wrong. We gotta fix this. A lot more of that's gonna happen instead of all of us just yelling at each other and not getting anything done.

I really really am happy with that. I'm really happy that we are affecting change here and veterans' lives and the lives of their families. Again, make sure that you're being positive. Make sure that you're moving in a positive manner. Make sure you're getting into the situation and [00:12:00] really working the problem.

I know the past couple days I've been updating the RV that I've bought with just things that I've seen and things that I've heard from others. That could actually make that whole lifestyle a lot better. Before I hit the road, I've done all kinds of stuff, actually had to learn a lot of stuff, saw a lot of videos on stuff about solar panels.

Saw a lot of videos about updating the fans that are in there because the manufacturers put these Really small fans in there that don't really do what they do. And also looking at that as I'm replacing things that I have to modify just a little bit and seeing how somebody's already done that and letting everybody in the community know how to do this.

I'm looking really forward to this. I know the first trip is a trip that I've always wanted to do. And it's one of those things too. And then soon we're gonna be in Nashville for our big event. And then after that I'll probably do a lot of things with the Smoky Mountains and then go down [00:13:00] through I would say Arkansas, Texas, Florida.

So there's a lot of different things that are gonna happen here shortly, and we're gonna be spending a lot of time out there. Trying to meet up with veterans and trying to just interview veterans and stuff like that. I know there's one gentleman that I've already reached out to have an interview and he's all up for it.

We just haven't got to it because we were waiting for a season five to go ahead and start. Like I said, stay positive, stay happy, stay moving and knowing that we gotta do this for the next veteran. We gotta do this in a way to where we're carrying ourselves in that honorable way that I talked about sometime during the season.

And we gotta be making sure that we're getting with somebody that has done this and can go through it with you and give you advice. If there's any one big thing that I could tell you that I've learned from all four seasons me being a client coming through the whole process, everything that I've taught veterans is [00:14:00] definitely be teachable.

Definitely be teachable and open to suggestions. And that brings up another point. You need a coach. You need a coach to get you through this. Just like I talked about my football coach, that would come up with all kinds of different things that would get me motivated. That's what you need. You need that type of atmosphere.

You need a coach that's gonna get you motivated and helping you get down that path, but you also gotta do some work. That is one thing I learned too. You gotta do what you're supposed to do to make sure that this happens because as you're doing that and gaining your education and gaining what you need and learning about certain conditions, certain situations, how do I make this 

better? That kind of thing. Getting with your coach and working out everything and being coachable will definitely flow, make it a lot easier and take off some of that pressure that the VA puts on us.

Okay. Now I know I hear all the time matter of fact, on one of the classes, I think it was a [00:15:00] couple weeks ago, where one gentleman was really upset and said the VA should just be giving it to us. Yeah, I got that. Okay. But they don't. So we have to come together, learn what we're supposed to learn, and get through the process and gain what we're supposed to have.

So if you serve, you deserve, we have to do our part to make sure that we get into that. No reason to be mad at somebody, no reason to get upset because something's different. Just find out with your coach what you do. So now bringing up that point about you have to have a coach. I'm telling you, having a coach that will actually keep you accountable keep you moving in the right direction.

Having a game plan planned out two or three moves down the road and knowing what happens if the VA comes back with a negative decision, they know exactly where they're going. They know exactly where to take you, and that's gonna work out. See, that always works out. Because then when you do win, [00:16:00] it becomes more exciting.

It means that, Hey, I really worked hard for this. I really did what I was supposed to do, and this all worked. That is the position you want to be in. By the end of that, I. Okay, I love you guys. I hope you guys are having a great one. Make sure you go through this whole season four. And if you want, go back all the way to season one and come all the way back up.

You're gonna pick up little things here and there on purpose that has been mentioned. So again, love you guys. My brothers and sisters of the uniform, can't wait for us to start season five and I look forward to hearing back from you. Looking forward to carrying you guys on this path along with myself, so you all have a great one.

This is doc out.

[00:16:45] VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. [00:17:00] Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today by going to linked in our show notes. You'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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