Doc On The Road


John Trimble Season 5 Episode 2

In filling for VA claims, there's a number of different things that actually come together, but the most important thing is you need to have a strategy that puts all these pieces together, puts all this stuff together.

This ensures that you can actually have a better situation and make it easier on yourself, make it easier on the practitioner for the C&P and also make it easier for the adjudicator.


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[00:00:00] VACI: If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

[00:00:30] Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the Road. I just wanted to bring up real quick that when veterans are actually going for claims sometimes they get a little bit stuck on again. I did an episode for this a while back about our revenge claims that you think that should be service connected and they probably should be.

But sometimes when we come together and we're working with this as a team say you and your coach and the assistant there's times [00:01:00] where, putting that puzzle together, you need to make sure that you've got a great strategy. You need to make sure that you're followed along with the strategy because following the strategy will actually get you a better idea.

One, it'll provide a lot more education for you for going for say maybe even a different claim something that's actually going to work a little bit faster for you. I Always try to use when I'm working with a client, I try to use critical thinking. I try to look at what's best for the client.

Okay. What's best for the community. And then I also look at the SEM method, that S E M method with strategy, education, and medical evidence. It just is a program that is easy to work, it's an easy way to make sure that you're going for the situation that is actually going to benefit you the best.

So when you're looking at that We've got to come up with the why and [00:02:00] coming up with the why could be multiple things. It could be a number of different situations. You need the compensation for it to make ends meet, or you're looking at it for all the extra benefits certain states where you don't pay property taxes.

Anymore, or the states where you pay little bit less for property tax or it could be just simply that you're seeing that you have some young ones that are about to go ahead to college. You want to go ahead and try to get to a certain level to where that can actually be taken care of to. There's a ton of benefits that come at 100%.

And the best way to do that is actually Google actually the best way to do it is actually look at Brian's book that talks about different states and talks about different benefits there, but you can also Google it. And when you Google your state with what benefits come at 100%, you're going to get a really good.

Idea and you might find your why then but to make the whole situation a lot easier is [00:03:00] knowing your why, knowing why you're doing this, knowing why you're going for these claims and also making sure that why fits into the strategy in a way to where you are putting that puzzle together. Now, there's lots of little aspects of that.

Like you need to learn. How the claim is coming together, how you are going to prove that you are suffering from this condition and pretty much those three main areas is what you're looking at. And the three main areas are how does it work with you and your family? How does it work with you and social life?

And how does it work with you at work? Does this condition have symptoms that actually make it harder in any of those three areas. So if you're looking at that, that could also produce your why. Taking a deep dive in that is really great when you have one head, but if you have two or three heads looking at it, Coming up with experiences and coming up with different ideas of how [00:04:00] to make sure that you're going about this in a proper manner will actually help out and also give you more of a sound claim because you're putting teeth to it.

You're actually making sure that you've got what you need to do to get that to move right along. Nice and smooth. And they keep moving along with each and every claim is by making sure that you're using that SEM method, the strategy education and medical evidence. Now there's a number of different ways to actually do this, but the best way to do it is actually have somebody like a sounding board that you can take this off of, say a coach.

Some kind of an advisor to actually push and help you get all the evidence and all the different parts of the strategy down and also educate yourself on that particular claim by using different aspects like Google, or you can actually Use militarydisabilitymadeeasy. Now at the bottom [00:05:00] of the show notes here we have the link for militarydisabilitymadeeasy

And another easy way to do that is get with your coach and go ahead and get what you need from them to get to that site, there's a number of different things to like I just mentioned, Brian's book is a really good reference on different types of areas throughout the United States and what they provide for you if you're at certain levels and also it will actually help you to because it will also tell you about what the VA is looking at too. 

So there's a number of different things that actually come together, but you need to have a strategy that puts all these pieces together, puts all this stuff together. So you can actually have a better situation and make it easier on yourself, make it easier on the practitioner for the C&P and also make it easier for the adjudicator.

So let's say you have some extra evidence. that you want to add to that. Go ahead and make sure that you're doing it in a way to where it's easy to [00:06:00] find. You can actually do even a personal statement could actually help out with this where you're actually saying I have extra evidence. And if you look at the third paragraph on this statement, you'll see that.

Or if you look at this medical report, you can actually see what the doctor is saying currently. about this condition and then let them go ahead and work through all of that to make that connection a lot easier for you. That also is a great way that a coach can actually help is because they can point all this stuff out and you're going about it as a team.

Now, as a team works out a lot better because there are certain situations out there to where some don't use a team and they're just going off of one mindset. And sometimes that doesn't work because sometimes you forget things. We as veterans, when we're suffering from a lot of these conditions, we always push it off to the side and we always tell ourselves I'll just take some Motrin.

I'll just go ahead and keep moving on. But this is the time where you need to really make sure that you've got all your ducks [00:07:00] lined up and you have everything lined up to where it makes it easy for people that are going to look at it. To see if it's service connected and make that decision, you need to go ahead and make sure that you're working with a coach and making sure that you're working in a system that actually makes it easier for them to actually see all the evidence and see the path that you're talking about and how you're suffering from it and how it affects you in all aspects of your life.

So make sure that when you're doing that, I'm going to put a link down here to to where you can also see and get ahold of somebody here at VA Claims Insider, and you can actually get with them, find out more information about how the program works, what you're going to need. to make it work and to go ahead and get assigned to a coach.

And then when you're assigned to a coach, you guys get to sit down, meet, and you're actually going to go ahead and start working on the strategy. So stay open minded, stay on [00:08:00] track with what your coach is actually coming up with, because there's going to be a lot more experience. Say you're going for your claims, but that's just, you go for your claims.

These coaches are dealing with this with hundreds of clients and they see different trends with the VA. So they know exactly how to go ahead and make this work for you. So make sure that you've got evidence, a current diagnosis and make sure that you're going for this in a proper manner. So strategy is pretty much today's main topic and strategies can actually be put together in a way to where.

Everything just works a lot easier and makes it easier on everybody, including yourself. So try to remember that. I love you guys. I hope you guys are having a great day. I hope you guys are having a great week and we'll see you next week. I'll still be here in Jacksonville, but we got a trip coming up to where I'm going to be in Destin, Florida shortly.

And I'm really looking [00:09:00] forward to that. If you guys see me go ahead and say hello. And maybe we could actually get together and just talk for a little bit. That's one of my favorite things is actually talking to other veterans and that we could actually discuss situations and discuss what you're going through so we can actually get you in the right path and the right way to help you be successful.

So love you guys. Talk to you next time. This is doc out. 

[00:09:24] VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill [00:10:00] and how to increase your rating.

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