Doc On The Road


John Trimble Season 5 Episode 3

In this episode, I got a special guest for you my brothers and sisters in uniform! The resident expert on TBI at VA Claims Insider is here! Matter of fact, he's taught me a lot of stuff about TBIs and how important they are and how we really need to look at it because it is a tough claim!

We want to educate you about this and this is how we do it, teamwork, collaborate, teamwork, collaborate!


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Veterans helping veterans get the VA Disability Rating They DESERVE.

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[00:00:00] VACI: If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

[00:00:31] Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters in the uniform. Yes, it's time for Doc on the Road. I've got a special doc on the road for you today. I have the resident expert on TBIs here. Matter of fact, he's taught me a lot of stuff about TBIs and how important they are and how we really need to look at it because it is a tough claim.

But with no further ado, I'd like to welcome VCM Donnie Witton to the show. 

[00:00:54] VCM Donny Whitton: Thanks, Doc. Thanks for having me, bro. It's always a pleasure doing. Started with you and what we can to help our veterans. 

[00:00:59] Dr. John: Oh, [00:01:00] that's yep. That's definitely right. And that's the main goal to make sure we do this. Now with TBI it does get a little confusing, especially if don't know a whole lot about that.

So you really need to educate yourself, but what is the main thing that you see where a veteran can trip up when he's doing a claim for TBI, 

[00:01:16] VCM Donny Whitton: To be honest the biggest problem I see out the gate because there's there are many, right? It's a very complex rating system and such, but the biggest problem I see is super basic and simple and it actually applies to every other claim.

And that's the current diagnosis. Most veterans think just because they got hurt in service, that they can go file this claim and get approved. Every claim has three requirements. You know, As the Caluza triangle, right? in-service event a current diagnosis and a nexus. A veteran might even have a purple heart for their IED incident.

But that does not discount the fact that the legal requirement is you have to have a current diagnosis. So you gotta go see a doctor, you gotta get treated in real time. And that's really the start of the whole process is getting that current [00:02:00] diagnosis. 

[00:02:00] Dr. John: Awesome. Yeah, that's true. And like you said, that's just like every other claim. You need to make sure that you're following the correct path. That's great information. But now a lot of veterans actually get this confused because a lot of the symptoms with mental health actually coincide with this and can really create a problem if you're not really paying attention or understand how that works.

And that's why I wanted you on here because you're definitely the resident expert in this what is the best plan forward when you're starting to see, things like that, where they're coinciding with each other with the symptoms. 

[00:02:33] VCM Donny Whitton: 1st thing is you have to understand that there's a law that prevents people from being compensated twice for the same symptoms, right? It's called pyramiding. And this applies to more than just TBI, but it especially gets complex and pertains to TBI, especially because, the brain controls or participates in so many systems across the body that They can, it can be attributed or accounted to [00:03:00] quite a few different symptoms or residuals, and a lot of those fall directly under the TBI rating system, and other ones can be added as secondaries if they do not.

As it applies to the, Mental health side, mental health has 31 symptoms, right? So it's quite a few of those symptoms that could be attributed mental health. any of those symptoms. are falling under that TBI rating system, you're not going to get rated for those twice. In fact, if you have a TBI rating, then your mental health rating will include TBI in the title or narrative, even if you do get a separate rating for the TBI. 

[00:03:37] Dr. John: Wow. Yeah. And that's where I know there's been numerous times where I've looked at it and gone but I always side with the mental health. That's just because of my background, but that's where I was for the lack of a better term, ignorant to the whole situation, because actually TBI when I talked to you about it a while back, and then I actually started checking on my own, going to the VA and talking about it, I started [00:04:00] realizing, yeah, there are slight differences though.

There are different things, but they can coincide with that. And it's really interesting. 

[00:04:06] VCM Donny Whitton: Yeah the way the system works is you're assigned a numerical value based on the severity or symptoms in each. So there's 3 categories and 10 facets and each of those 10 facets is assigned a number that correlates with the percentage.

And if you would be rated higher for that particular condition on its own, then it would be separated. For example, migraines goes all the way to 50 percent by itself. But under the TBI rating system, it maxes out at 10%. So if your migraines are consistent with a 30 or 50 percent rating independently, then your migraines will be separated.

However, because mental health goes to 100%, and TBI goes to 100%, You will always see both of those combined in the same narrative, even if you do get a separate rating for other TBI symptoms or residuals. 

[00:04:53] Dr. John: Wow. Oh, man. And guys, now you're starting to understand. He just rattled that off the top of his head.

He [00:05:00] really actually understands this stuff. If you're actually looking to get to a coach or get to a coach a particular team or anything like that. Make sure you reach out and get Donnie's team's link down here too, because it's very important when you're doing situations like this, that you're getting with the right coach and you're getting with the coach that actually can be a little bit more experienced and a little bit.

More understanding of what the VA is looking for. So that way you can make sure that you're more successful that way. And I know the coaches on Donnie's team, you guys are really good and really tight. The cool part is you get to oversee that and you can actually help out with that. That's always a positive.

[00:05:39] VCM Donny Whitton: Yeah. I think one of the things that people don't really understand it when they sign up for VA Claims Insiders is you're not really signing up for a coach. You're signing up for an elite program that includes a coach. And that coach is like your team lead, right?

Because he's got an assistant. And that is your assistant. That's the person that you're working with that program the most actually. And the coach [00:06:00] is there to guide and direct and oversee. And that coach has a team. And each member of that team has diverse knowledge, skill set, background, experience.

And they're all trained in our strategy education and medical evidence, our SEM method. to get you through the eight step process that VA Claims Insiders uses to help you get the rating that you deserve morally, legally, and ethically. And then on top of that, you also have a host of other resources to include a VCM who teach, trains, and equips team.

You have our classes, our educational resources that goes back to the education portion of the strategy education medical evidence. And then last but not least, very definitely not the least, is our community. In those classes and those meetings, you develop a community, one in which you're breaking bread, hearing the experience and the insight of other veterans, right?

 Maybe you haven't had this camaraderie since you left the service. It's really a unique experience. And not only does your coach motivate and compel you drive you through the process, but so do your peers. [00:07:00] And you were there with a host of other people who have been through the same thing you have.

They've had the same problems. They've had the same feelings, frustrations, and drawbacks. And together, one, we're able to do what we need to do, find the motivation of perseverance. sustain and persevere to finally get the rating we deserve, the treatment we deserve. And with that comes the time and compensation to allow you the freedom to work on improving those conditions.

It takes some of that pressure, that stress off your life so that you can go back to focusing on being a better father, mother, brother, sister, all those things and get a little bit of relief. And, for some of us, it's some validation, right? You've been rejected all these years and finally you get the rating you deserve. And it's see, I told you there was a problem. I told you there was something wrong. 

[00:07:46] Dr. John: Man that's awesome, Donnie. And I think what you guys just witnessed there the way he explained that Donnie's got a big heart. Donnie is definitely one of the biggest warriors I have ever met, and he will continue to fight and fight.[00:08:00] 

And that's what I love about Donnie. He's always in the fight and he's always they're swinging the sword. And it's an honor to be able to do this with you, Donnie. It always has been. And I think it's it's a great thing that we can all come together and we can fight for whatever a veteran deserves.

[00:08:17] VCM Donny Whitton: I couldn't do without you, brother. one of the strengths of, that was the Spartan soldiers was the way they link shields together. And that's what we do here. What I've been doing with John for years now, other VCMs and the other warriors here at VA Claims Insiders.

We lock shields, we hold each other strong, and we make sure not one of us in the line falls. Every time we get a chance, we pick each other up and keep going. And that's just, that's how we stay in the fight, that's how we stay in the battle, and that's how we serve each other, right? Veterans serving veterans.

That's the model we want, that's the path we want to take. 

[00:08:45] Dr. John: Yeah, that's actually right. Like I said, you're going to have all those links that you can get on Donnie's team so you can actually go ahead and see what the program is all about. And as you can see, we have plenty of experts.

And this has been a pleasure doing [00:09:00] this with you, Donnie. I think this was awesome. I can't wait for this episode to come out. Everybody can hear it, man. I really do appreciate it. All right. Brothers and sisters of the uniform, love you, and we will see you next time. Talk to you later. This is Doc out. 

[00:09:14] VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today by going to linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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