Doc On The Road

Excuse, excuse, excuse

John Trimble Season 5 Episode 6

I'm seeing some veterans here at VA Claims Insider that have a lot of excuse in continuing their VA claims. Maybe they can't move forward in writing their statement.  Why not? That's my first question. Why not? It just shocks me. 

If you have come here, you came here for a reason, why delay it anymore, get to it, get with your coach, get your strategy done, start coming to classes, and start being educated, and start building up that medical evidence, let's go, it's time to go. 


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Veterans helping veterans get the VA Disability Rating They DESERVE.

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VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time again for doc on the road. I've been looking at a number of situations that we have seen come across our tables here at VA claims insider and there's a couple of things that I really would like to address. Now, first, just a little bit of background.

Okay. First what I'd like to do is go ahead and thank the crew that we have. That actually helps us out with this particular podcast. I would have [00:01:00] never thought that it would ever grown to the heights that it has. And I truly appreciate all the listeners, all the people that subscribe and if you haven't subscribed, go ahead and do so that way you can make sure that you've got it and you can actually get the newest episodes. Also, if you're looking to get involved with VA Claims Insider, go ahead and tell them Doc sent you. That'll actually help out and speed up the process to where you can get that free phone call that would actually tell you a lot more about us and also get you on the road to getting a coach and getting a strategy and moving on to get you what you deserve.

With that said, I noticed a lot of different trends that have happened lately and it, it surprises me a little bit. We as veterans always seem to put off what we deserve. And we put it off in a number of different ways. Now, sooner or later, you come across the video you come across something and hopefully it's [00:02:00] this podcast that tells you, yeah, I need to go ahead and research this and see if this is for me.

So you can go ahead and like I said, get to what you deserve. And by seeing all that, it just seems like most veterans have been struggling for a while. They're frustrated. And they're, just tired of the same old things that don't work so they can actually be recognized and maybe even compensated for conditions that occurred while they were in the military.

But then when they come here, you hear excuse after excuse why it's not time to move forward. And I'm just baffled by that somehow. I know when I started the process to come through here, I couldn't wait to get started. And when I got started, I couldn't wait to get to my coach and I couldn't wait to go ahead and get to that strategy.

And I couldn't wait to go ahead and start with my first claim. I couldn't wait to get going. But it seems like there's always [00:03:00] a thing that hits some veterans that like they have to go ahead and just take their time. Come up with excuse. I don't have time to write a statement. I don't have time to go ahead and do this today.

Why not? That's my first question. Why not? It just shocks me. If you have come here, you came here for a reason, why delay it anymore, get to it, get with your coach, get your strategy done, start coming to classes, and start being educated, and start building up that medical evidence, let's go, it's time to go.

Matter of fact, we have situations where the VA changes all the time with different things that we see trends where the VA does this. Now's the time to strike. The striking now will help you get to the resolution, the end result, if not, it'll get you to a lot closer point. When you [00:04:00] come to the point where you say, Hey, look, I can't, it's going to take me a week to go ahead and write, personal letter or anything like that you're gonna add to your evidence. Why should it take that long? You're talking about a paragraph and it states nothing but facts. I was in the military. During the military, this happened to me. And I still suffer from it. That shouldn't take a week to do.

It's just another excuse just to slow the process up. You've come here and you've come to do your claims, even if you're not with VA claims insider, you've come to do your claims, get to it. I know when you were in the military, there was none of that. Let's lay back. Let's do this. I'm going to go ahead and take this slow.

I want. No, don't take it slow. It just, like I said, mystifies me. I'm like going, no, get moving. You need to get fired up. You need to go ahead and start realizing what the possible end result could be. You could be making a [00:05:00] decision that completely affects your life. Completely starts giving you A sense of accomplishment because you do get recognized, you can be compensated and I mean by compensated by money.

You can vindicated. You can let everybody know. This is what happened to me. And because of that, I did this, I'm going for my claim and I did it in a fast manner and got to the point where I actually got recognized for it. I got it compensated. Why wait? There is no sense in waiting, no sense in dragging it out.

You need to get going and going as fast as possible. Now you do need to follow some of the rules where you need a strategy. You need to make sure that you got a plan of action. And you're moving forward. But that shouldn't take that long. You should be able to move forward and get going.

Just putting it off [00:06:00] just prolongs everything and you're not really gaining anything by prolonging it. Matter of fact, on a couple of things, as you know from the last week's podcast, there are things that are going to pop up here shortly come summertime that you're doing some changes to that could actually slow the process up or making the process completely different because they're going to start rating things different or they're going to start calling things symptoms instead of an actual rating.

Get moving now, you need to get going and like I said, when you go ahead and decide it's time to go it's time to go. Get moving. Get fired up, get rolling in the right direction and start doing this in the right manner. I need you as a veteran to go ahead and do this for other veterans that could be watching.

Other veterans that need that little extra push. Everybody needs that. I've done [00:07:00] a lot of reading in my background and stuff like that. And I remember seeing a quote from somebody called Edinburgh, where you're supposed to look out for your village. Now, what that means to me is veterans need to look out for veterans, whether it's a brother of the uniform, whether it's a sister of the uniform.

We need to look out for each other. We need to put our arms around each other. We need to get ourselves and our buddies through whatever ails them, whatever hurts them during their daily life. We need to go ahead and show them that there's a better way and there's a way to get going faster.

That's pretty much the whole thing and building the community. So we can teach other veterans. We teach other veterans. Think about it. How many more veterans do we have each and every day that are ETS and out? Or getting out on a medical situation or anything like that, that we'll need.

 It's not like the VA gives us a blueprint on how to do this.[00:08:00] There's nothing out there that actually shows you that except for say VA claims insider that can actually go, Hey, look, I need to get you with a coach. Let's get you started. Let's go ahead and see what we can do. And help you with and the mindset is once you've come here.

There doesn't have to be any slow down. You need to get moving because things do change. Things do get proposed. Things do get said, Hey, maybe we need to change this. And when I say that I'm talking about the V. A. You don't need to be waiting around and trying to take a week to write a statement. You need to do that.

In about a half an hour and go ahead and get with your coach and start rocking and rolling. You need to get fired up and know that you're doing this not only for yourself, but you're doing it for your family. Let's look at it. It could mean free health care for your family. It could mean a lot of different things, no matter what state you live in, extra benefits, a break on [00:09:00] your taxes or no taxes for some homeowners.

 or personal property. There's a number of things in different states that can really help you out. And as, especially as you're an aging vet, you need to really look into this stuff because let's face it when you, we're not in that age where you could do something, say a job, worked there for 40 years, retire and have a pretty good, pension and all that kind of stuff.

Things have changed a lot since those days, this will actually allow you to do that. Think about it. If you're at a hundred percent P&T, you're talking about 47, 000 a year. That is one heck of a nest egg. That is definitely security that is definitely a change of thought. Do I stay in this cold climate or do I move to a warm climate or do I just get an RV such as myself and travel the country talking [00:10:00] to veterans and talking to the importance of doing this particular thing, going for the claim, going for what you deserve.

It sure made my decision a lot easier. Hopefully it makes your decision a lot easier too. So don't come up with an excuse. Don't slow up the process. If it's time to go, it's time to go. Get all your ducks lined up, get with a coach and get going. Now, again, too when you're hearing this, hopefully it's firing you up.

But there's a little bit of it that I want you to be maybe a little bit ticked off and say, you know what? It is my time. It is time for me to go. It is time for me to go ahead and see what I can do for myself, what I can do for my family and what I can do for my brothers and sisters of the uniform.

Hopefully this came across in the right manner. I love all of you. I really do appreciate you. Now go ahead and make that phone call. You'll see at the bottom of the show notes, a link to say my [00:11:00] website, or you can see a link to how you can get in touch with me for ideas different little questions that can get answered, go ahead and jump on that stuff and let's get going and get you what you deserve.

Love you. Talk to you very soon. This is Doc out. 

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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