Doc On The Road

It Is Time To Make A Move

John Trimble Season 5 Episode 5

Now, there's a series of questions that have been flying around a lot lately, especially since the VA has come out with all these proposals that have been out for a while. My advice, you need to go ahead and sign up with VA Claims Insider. 

Go get a coach so you can plan this out and make sure that you get it done as quick as possible and in the right manner.

Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at
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VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the road. Now, there's a series of questions that have been flying around a lot lately, especially since the VA has come out with all these proposals and these have been proposals that have been out for a while, One is for sleep apnea. A couple of changes there 1 is for a couple of changes in the mental health ratings. Also, there's changes with tinnitus and, headaches or migraines that whole [00:01:00] classification there, my suggestion at this point is to make sure that, if you planned on going for any of these types of claims that I just listed.

You need to go ahead and sign up with VA Claims Insider. You need to get a coach so you can plan this out and make sure that you get it done as quick as possible. And the quickest way to do that is if you'll look in the show notes, you'll see that there is a link there. Tell them that Doc sent you.

Get your free phone call. To give you a little bit more information about VA claims insider and get signed up. But there'll be a link down there below to where you can go ahead and get that phone call. I'm going to let you know that this is the time to actually be active. This is the time to actually make a move to get a coach.

And get these taken care of with the proposals, you want to make sure that you're at the cutting edge head of the knife head of the spear. However, you want to put it. You want to make sure that you're getting there and you're doing what it takes to make sure that these get done for you, [00:02:00] especially with these conditions, because with the changes, there's going to be a couple of changes that might make it a little bit more difficult.

Some time in the future, so you want to go ahead and jump on this as fast as possible. Get with the coach and make sure that you're doing what you can for those type of claims. Also with any other type of claims, you might want to go ahead and make the decision. It's time to go ahead and attack and get to the point where you're getting with the coach and you're actually Marking out that strategy.

And like I said, in the last couple of weeks, you got to get that strategy. You got to be educated. You got to get that medical evidence. So now's the time to go ahead. Now an easy way to get some medical evidence. If you don't have any is make sure that you go ahead and get myhealthEvet. Get on there, send messages to your primary care physician, let them know that you need to talk to them about these type of conditions and go ahead and get the ball rolling go ahead and make sure that that you've got everything in [00:03:00] place.

Then when you get with your coach, say, Hey, look, this is what I've done. I'm meeting with a doctor whenever, and I'm going to go ahead and get this stuff done. So like with sleep apnea, you would have a sleep study done for mental health tinnitus and migraines or headaches. You want to make sure that you've got a diagnosis in place and that you can tie it back to service.

Now, a lot of these can actually be done in a secondary mode. What I mean by that is you have a primary for example, if you're suffering from something with your knees. And because of the knees are not acting the way they're supposed to, you can't take those long walks, you can't do certain things that you used to be able to do and things that you had to give up because of that.

Now, that's going to create stress. That's going to create anxiety. That's going to create depression because you can't do what you think you should be able to do. And if this is already service connected. You can actually do secondaries with these particular claims except for [00:04:00] I would say tinnitus.

If you have that ringing in the ear, you need to just go ahead and jump on that and get that taken care of. But you want to go ahead and hit all of these as fast as possible. As a secondary, you can tie those into an already previously service connected condition, and it makes it a little bit easier, especially with, say, mental health, because of that story that I just told you that can actually be done secondary to that particular condition.

If it is service connected, that makes everything a little bit easier and a little bit. More fluent when you're actually service connecting the four conditions that I just talked about. You want to make sure that you're doing it in the right manner though. You don't want to just go ahead and just throw these up and see if it sticks to the wall.

It's not going to, you need to have a diagnosis. You need to have a clear path to where it can be service connected because of. an aggravation of another service connection or that you have proved that a certain [00:05:00] incident that happened and it caused these type of conditions. By doing this, you actually spell it out real easy for the VA, the practitioner and the adjudicator to actually see it and go ahead and make it happen for you.

Because you've got all the information that you need, you've been educated on it, and you've also got that medical evidence to tie it all in. So I just wanted to do that real quick make sure that you guys are getting there. And like I said, at the bottom, you'll see links just tell them Doc sent you, get that free phone call.

With that ambassador and the ambassador is going to go ahead and get you signed up after you sign up you'll be assigned a coach and that coach will actually go ahead and meet with you and you go ahead and start working your plan on that. Now that's with any condition you got to make sure you have that diagnosis.

The diagnosis is really important and you got to have a clear path to service connection. That is mainly what you're going to need. So definitely what Brian always says, get your butt to the doctor, get that stuff taken care of to where you can [00:06:00] actually start the ball rolling and you can start showing anybody that is looking at the file or your file that it can be service connected and should be.

That is probably one of the biggest hurdles is a lot of veterans just go ahead and just slam stuff against the wall. Without really being educated in the process and just go ahead and try to cheat the process, and that's not how to do it. You want to make sure that you've got the strategy, you've got the education, and you've got the medical evidence to back up what you're going to do.

There's also a number of other ways that your coach will be able to talk you through if it is right for you and be able to get you to a situation to where you can actually get even more medical evidence. That actually helps out a lot because if you're going for a claim and you have multiple doctors say, yes, he has this condition.

Yes, it should be service connected and that's going to help the situation a lot more. Also last week I talked about relax. You need to go ahead and relax and make sure that you're getting with a coach and making sure you're doing this in the proper [00:07:00] manner. If you go what I just said about, throwing against the wall, you're going to run into problems because you're going to be missing something.

So definitely go ahead and follow what last week's message was, is definitely relax, get with the coach. Go ahead and get that process worked out for you by doing it the correct way. And also something that I noticed recently too, because the VA does this every once in a while. There'll be things that'll pop up.

There'll be trends that we notice here at VA Claims Insider that the VA is just not going to talk about. But we noticed some because of all the. Particular situations that we're in trying to coach veterans to do this in the right manner. But something I always see too is a lot of negativity.

I understand when I went through the process, I also said this should be real easy. If I say it, then the VA needs to take a look at it and go ahead and say, yes. This should be service connected. That's not the case. It's just like anything else. You're going to have to make it beyond a reasonable doubt that [00:08:00] not only do you have that condition and that you're diagnosed with it, and you're taking medication for it or any of the other type of things that roll into that sort of like with sleep apnea, you have a CPAP and this is causing you to lose time at work having time taken away from your family, that kind of stuff that this all ties together in the proper manner.

 But you got to stay positive. You can't be negative during this. I understand sometimes it can be rough. Sometimes, you're going to get denied. You're going to have situations where you're completely lost because you're like, I cannot believe they denied this. I had this all sewn up, but yet.

Those decision letters when they come back, they're going to give you a little bit of a nugget on there. That's going to tell you exactly how to get this particular situation taken care of and service connected. So definitely stay positive. Stay in the right fold. So you can become, an expert yourself on this type of situation.

It's not really that difficult in most cases to go ahead and remember. Okay, I need a [00:09:00] strategy. I need to be educated on this. I need to know the ins and outs. I need to know what the law is on this. I need to know exactly how this is supposed to work and making sure that you've got medical evidence that actually goes and, puts all the dots together.

And paints that picture. Pretty little picture for the VA. So you got to make sure that you're doing that very often. And they're getting back to the being positive. That is one of those situations where, I got taught a long time ago, a positive plus a positive always equals a positive.

It's simple algebra, but a positive plus a negative will never. equal a positive. So just remember that if you feel yourself getting negative, just go I need to get in the classes. I need to talk to my coach. I need to do something that actually gets me back to that. And another reason to do that or another easy way to do that is know your why knowing why you're doing this.

Are you doing it for the compensation? Are you doing this so you can provide strong medical for your whole family. Are you trying to get kids to go to [00:10:00] college? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to do what I do? Sit in an RV where I'm traveling all over the place and meeting really cool veterans and making connections that we always do the joking about different armed forces when they meet up.

They, they joke with each other. Yeah, we still might joke with each other, but there's such really cool vibe that you get by meeting a veteran that served in a different branch, went through some of the same things, but also some of the different things that they have. I know here next week I'll be in Pensacola.

There's a aviation museum there in Pensacola that I love going to because it teaches me what. Navy pilots went through plus, it's one of my favorite places because I get to see, things like the blue angels, which is funny because here in Destin I was sitting outside and all of a sudden saw a bunch of jets go by and I looked up and I could have swore it was part of the blue angels that were, doing maneuvers and then, headed back off.

But it's really cool to see all that kind of stuff because Even though you're not a [00:11:00] Navy pilot, or even if say you served in the army or the Marines or something like that, it's still cool to see what the other side did because we're all part of a big team and just like here with the coaches and the VCMs, we're all part of a big team. 

We all kind of work with each other to go ahead and make sure that We're on the right path and we're keeping all the veterans on the right path by educating and coaching. So it's cool when you see that kind of stuff. So I'm really looking forward to being in Pensacola and going to that museum.

That museum I've been to a couple of times now and I can't get enough of it. It's every time I went to it, I see something different. Or I talked to somebody, I remember last time I was there. And this is in one of the episodes early on where I actually talked to a pilot there and got a lot of insight, but also noticed that we still have that love for what we did and recognize that we did something special.

With our service and just like each of you, you've done something special with your service. So you need to go ahead and make sure that [00:12:00] not only you're recognizing it, but get out there, talk to people and other veterans, and help them along with the process of, Hey, you need to go ahead and do this. You need to do it for you.

You need to do it for your family and everything about. The situation so that way, the next person can actually have an easier route of doing this and be able to get through this. Like I always said, brothers and sisters of the uniform, we got to put our arms around each other and we got to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to make in a smooth situation for each of us as well as the others to follow.

All right. Hopefully you guys got a lot out of this today. Love you guys. Look forward to it. And I will be talking to you from Pensacola next time, next week. Love you guys. This is doc out.

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not [00:13:00] getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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