Doc On The Road

What Will Be Your Story?

John Trimble Season 5 Episode 7

I got an interesting subject for you today because I know that we've covered a lot of areas just in the last couple of weeks and I want to help you get To be part of this community that does create positive thoughts, positive actions for America's heroes.

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Veterans helping veterans get the VA Disability Rating They DESERVE.

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VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to DocOnTheRoad. com, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of uniform. Yes, it's time again for doctor on the road. I got an interesting subject for you today because I know that we've covered a lot of areas just in the last couple of weeks. But this one I think is really important because this is one where you're really going to have to use your imagination.

You're going to have to really think about your journey as you go through this claims process. Now, before we get into that, down in the bottom of the show notes, you'll see an easy [00:01:00] button to push. If you are brand new to this and need to sign up to get a coach and all that kind of stuff to get that phone call, that free phone call, that's going to help you understand a little bit more about me as well.

Learn a little bit more about our process. Just click down there and tell them Doc sent you. Okay, that'll be the fastest way for you to get involved with this. Now, I have a little bit more information here at the end, but I'd like to talk about something. I spent a while I think it was about 2 weeks in Pensacola right after my last trip and Pensacola is actually an interesting area.

 I didn't really enjoy Pensacola all that much, but they do have this naval aviation. Museum there. This thing is awesome. Now, as I walked around, I saw a bunch of older gentlemen, all wearing their flight jackets, talking to other people, telling them their stories. And it brought me to an idea.

As you go through this process, we all run into positives and negatives while we do this. And [00:02:00] sometimes it's hard to fight off the negatives. Because there's a lot of naysayers. There's a lot of people out there giving bad information. There is literally a ton of people that are, especially on the internet, you can see it on YouTube all the time.

You can see it everywhere where these people just say some of the most negative stuff and just turn off veterans and veterans actually give up because they can't do that. By the way, we're in the middle of a rainstorm. So if you're hearing drops you'll see what I'm talking about right now.

I'm actually in New Orleans and we're getting a pretty good rainstorm here. Back to my subject. And I saw these guys and they were telling these stories and they were sharing them with families and watching little kids really get into what they were talking about and how they talk to people started making me really think about the positives and negatives as you go for your claim.

And then I came up with this idea. What story will you tell to help other veterans about this process? What is the main story you're going to tell? What are you going to do to Produce a positive [00:03:00] atmosphere for other veterans that go through this because there are negativities There are things like that.

Like I said, there's a ton of people on youtube ton of people out there in the whole atmosphere That want to be negative during all this and we want people to be positive But mainly we want veterans to be positive so they will go get what they deserve what they've earned because of their service to this great nation.

So I started thinking about what positive story are you going to be able to provide and help a veteran go forward with their claim? What positive story will you actually help somebody else that might be struggling to go ahead and keep reaching out and keep trying to get to the point where they need to be?

Because let's face this, okay? If you go to the point where you are a hundred percent, you're talking about Life change. You're talking about life change for you, life change for your family, life change all the way around. All kinds of benefits, roll in, all kinds of different things for veterans at that point.

Also, there's a [00:04:00] compensation portion to this that means 50, 000 a year for the rest of your life, roughly. Now, I want you to think of this. Do you work right now? Are you part of a, some kind of program for retirement? Does that pay you 50, 000 a year? No, it doesn't. More than likely, right? Those are very far away from us.

They really don't exist all that much. This isn't like it used to be where somebody could actually work a job for 30, 40 years and actually have a pretty good pension to live off of. That stuff doesn't really exist anymore. This does. This will actually help somebody if gone about it in a positive manner and get through it can actually do that can provide that extra amount of money for the rest of your life.

And I don't see how that could be a negative. That's always a positive. So why are these People being negative online. Why are these people doing that? It's because they want you to do it their way. Now, this is the interesting part of this because [00:05:00] I always looked at it find your cup of tea and drink it.

That's the best thing you can do, right? But a lot of people don't believe that they want to go ahead and say, Hey, I can do it better. I can do this. I don't have any other connections to anybody else that can actually help us get to this point. That's just wrong in my heart. In my head. That's wrong. Now, coming to VA claims insider.

That's not everybody's cup of tea. It doesn't work for everybody. Because there's certain things that have to happen. You have to really want to get involved, really be educated, really buy into that whole strategy part of that. But there's another part of that really helps. And most of the people that are very, and highly successful here at VA Claims Insider are the ones that come in.

And they say, coach, tell me, what do I have to do? Tell me what I am telling you that ails me. What's the best way to go apart about this? How do I put this puzzle together? And by being vulnerable and actually having somebody coach you through [00:06:00] this. Okay, because you're still going to be doing it. You're going to be doing it, but you're going to have some coaching.

You're going to have somebody that may have already been through this completely. Maybe you're going to find a coach and a set of coaches that they work for on a team that are going to be able to help you and give you that advice and give you that extra push that you need. forget about the naysayers.

Forget about all those people that want to be negative. Forget about all those people that just flat out or just Negative Nellies. They are not important. What is important is you. You are the hero of this nation. You are the one that might be suffering. You are the one that actually stood up, signed that dotted line, and put your hand up in the air and said, I will do what it takes to be part of this.

I will protect others when somebody else might not. You've done that. Now it's your turn. Hopefully you get the message of this, but I want you to remember what story are you going to be able to tell to help other veterans get through this process? What story are you going to do that [00:07:00] adds to this community in a positive manner and increases its numbers?

What story are you going to be able to tell your kids? What story are you gonna be able to tell your family? Did you do this the right way? Cause I guarantee you, if you served and you did it in the right manner, why not do this in the right manner? Why not be positive with this? There's been lots of times where I think back to where I have brothers and sisters of the uniform that I know personally, and then I talk to every once in a while.

And I know that we helped each other get through things being a young 18 year old kid jumping out of airplanes. Yeah, there was a few issues that came with that, but I had a team that helped me. Now, if you're still looking for that same team, I want you to go down in the show notes, click on that button, and give me a chance.

I want to be able to help you. I want to go ahead and get my team on board with you. I want to get my team getting you in a positive mindset, and I want to help you get To be part of this community that does create positive thoughts, positive [00:08:00] actions for America's heroes. Love you guys. Hope you guys have a great one.

This is doc out.

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to DocOnTheRoad. com linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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