Doc On The Road


John Trimble Season 5 Episode 8

I actually have a different kind of message or concept that I'd like to discuss today: taking a proactive stance against the bullies. Go ahead and ensure that you stand up to them if they're causing trouble or creating situations that halt or delay what you're doing.

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VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to DocOnTheRoad. com, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the Road. Now, I actually have a particular different kind of message or whatever you want to call it concept that I'd like to talk about today. And, every once in a while I go on to YouTube, I go on to different things to actually check out blog posts, check out all kinds of number of things that deal with veterans telling veterans how the process should be or just people talking about veterans.

And some are [00:01:00] positive. there's a couple of gentlemen I'd actually like to personally meet and talk to. Now there's also those that aren't positive. Those that actually just throw a lot of shade, do a lot of different things. It reminds me of bullies. And that's today's subject I wanted to talk about bullies. Now, I don't know if you've ever had to deal with a bully. This is going all the way back to say grade school. You may have had that bully that decided that they want your lunch money or they wanted to go ahead and make sure that they showed everybody that they were tougher than everybody else.

But the thing that I always found out about bullies. is sooner or later they're going to meet up with the wrong person or they're going to meet up with the wrong situation. And they're going to have their opinion, but they're going to be proven wrong very fast. I've seen bullies throughout my life.

I've seen bullies that just make stuff up and say, Hey, we need to go after this guy because he's making too much noise and he might be a little bit too successful. There's a number of different things why a bully will come after you. But the thing I like The most [00:02:00] is when they make up stuff and they make up their opinion just to make themselves feel better and or make their situation better.

Now sooner or later, like I said, when you build a house on sand, it's going to sink. When you build the house on stone, it's going to stand. And a lot of these guys that are negative, and I know most of you have run into these people to where they're negative. I don't know how many times I've been at the VA waiting on an appointment and having a conversation happen off into the corner where you're like, you better not do that.

They're going to take away your guns. You better not do that. They're going to go ahead and make sure that you can't have anything. And it's just one of those things where you want to stand up, you want to say something real quick. But sometimes it's not the right place. Sometimes it's best to let a bully show all of his cards and then go ahead and disprove and then go ahead and throw down that ace that you need to make sure that you are successful.

And [00:03:00] I've always looked at bullies in a certain way. I've always looked at bullies. It's now I need to pay attention to what's going on because if they're coming at me like that, or they're coming at a fellow veteran like that, then I need to really pay attention on what is their motive. Why are they doing that?

And like I said, in a number of episodes previously I don't really judge. I don't have time to judge. I'm too busy trying to help veterans and I'm too busy. I'm trying to make sure that everything's going right with that process for myself. So I'm a little bit too busy to get too involved with a bully or get too involved with a negative person.

But I don't judge I check the fruit on the tree. And I always say that guys, I don't judge people. I don't do that. I'm just a fruit inspector. If they've got fruit on their tree, fine, I'll listen. But if they're all shriveled up and it's all negative and it's all doom and gloom, dark cloud this is the way it's supposed to happen.

I don't agree with this. That's fine. You don't have to agree [00:04:00] with it, but don't hurt other veterans that may. Need that type of support or might need that type of situation to help them. So when I look at bullies, that's what I look at. I look at bullies and I look at the fruit on the tree. Do they have fruit on a tree?

Are they just trying to take on something that is moving fast paced and doing the right thing? Sure. There's people out there that might disagree with say things that I say. And that's fine. I look forward to and always have wanted to be open and be able to discuss things, but in today's climate, as you see with the political fields and all that kind of stuff, sometimes they're turned into screaming matches because they don't know how to express themselves or if they start losing in an argument, they love to go ahead and throw things against the wall and just see if they can get you scared.

Just like a bully would back in. I want your lunch money. I want this. Give me that scarf, whatever it was. But like I said, [00:05:00] bullies always meet their demise simply because it's negative. It's negativity that will always end up in a situation to where positive will always outplay it if it's done in a manner to where you're being positive and you're going forward with a smile on your face and you're not worried too much about the bullies or the ones that make stuff up about you or the ones that actually just get it wrong.

This is a complex situation. And when dealing with a complex situation, you also deal with other barriers that happen self doubt you deal with things that. It's just too hard that type of stuff. That's what I actually had a old basketball coach. He used to tell me stinking thinking will always not put points on the board.

And when you're doing this, obviously, you want to put some points on the board. If you're putting points on the board, that means you're moving forward. Not every game is going to be successful. Not every game is going to be a complete wedge, but. If you keep moving forward in a [00:06:00] positive manner, you will sooner or later end up with your arms in the air and be victorious.

And that's what a bully will never understand. They will never understand that. And they like I said, want to poke holes in. Anybody that's being successful or anything that's out there that's doing what they're supposed to do. And just because they do it, it may be a different manner. It doesn't mean they're wrong.

Just means that, hey, we do it a certain way. If you're building a house or. out fishing. You might throw the rod just slightly different. That's why you have fly fishing. That's why you have guys that cast all the way out. That's why you have deep sea fishing. There's different types of fish that you want to go for.

So go ahead and reel in your fish in your way. You don't have to follow somebody else or it can be something that you develop over time. And the other way to develop that is keep a positive attitude, keep moving in the right direction and keep doing what you do. And if you give it to the naysayers and the ones that make you doubt yourself, they're the only ones that are going to win, you're [00:07:00] not going to win.

It's what I always said. If you are going for your claims and you give up the other one that wins then is the VA. Not you. And that's not good for you as a veteran. And that's not good for the next veteran or the next veteran or the next veteran. So make sure that you're doing it a positive way.

You go ahead and make sure that you're standing up to the bullies if they're causing you any trouble or cause in any type of situation that halts or, delays what you're doing. There's no sense in giving into a bully. I never have. And I'm sure there's a lot of you that never have.

So just remember that don't give it to the bully, stay positive and keep moving in the right direction and also keep checking that fruit on the tree. All right. Love you guys. This is doc out.

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. [00:08:00] Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to DocOnTheRoad. com linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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