Doc On The Road

Always Stay In The Fight!

John Trimble Season 5 Episode 9

After traveling through Florida, I couldn't resist exploring a place that's always intrigued me – New Orleans. Something about the history and unity during the battles there speaks volumes, sending a powerful message to us all.

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VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to DocOnTheRoad. com, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the road. Now, as you all know, I've been traveling and I did a whole step through Florida and all that but decided, you know what, I needed go visit a place that I always thought was really interesting. And that's New Orleans, or I've actually heard it pronounced a number of different ways, so New Orleans, so I actually think it's pretty cool.

Now, when I think about New Orleans, I always think about, there's been songs the Battle of New Orleans, and there's a lot [00:01:00] of history there, and there's a lot of different situations there that were really pretty cool for Americans. It's how they were able to fight off the British especially with the war of 1812 how this actually played into basically the end of that war when the British returned back and this was all about.

If you remember the Louisiana Purchase as the Louisiana Purchase already went through somehow the British decided that they were going to go against that and try to go ahead and take back some of the Louisiana territory. And as when you look at that historical time the Louisiana Purchase.

gave us so much land because of that for the United States to actually grow and actually become a little bit bigger. That was a huge land basically. And again, the British decided that they were wanting to fight back here. And it's cool to hear the stories and all that kind of stuff, but I love the American Attitude even back then.

There's the, the story of the Americans saying, the British are coming in, [00:02:00] which at that time, the British army was the thing. The British army was so much more powerful more experienced or really knew what they were doing. They thought they did till they got to New Orleans and were taught a very big lesson American ingenuity, American pride, American.

Situations that brought everybody together, all the people of New Orleans and you actually had a general Andrew Jackson that stood up and brought all these people together. Most of the people back then in New Orleans, they spoke different languages, mainly French at the time, even more than English.

So it's interesting to read all the little stories and stuff like that. I wish I could go into a little bit deeper. Unfortunately, this would go on for a while if I did that. But the war of 1812 and then Andrew Jackson or general Andrew Jackson, gathering up Americans and how they fought off a far superior group the British.

right here in New Orleans is really truly interesting and truly one of those [00:03:00] things you have to think about. Even in your daily lives you have to think about, might get beat up by things, you might get have things come at you, especially as veterans, you know we all do. But there's always That I like to call it twist with Americans that go yeah, hold on just a second.

I think I got something to say here. And when everybody came together in New Orleans and fought back there I think that was where you send a message to everybody, especially Europe that, hey, this isn't a joke. You come here, we're going to make sure that you go away. It's the old saying, don't go away.

Mad. Just go away. Is always been one of the things that Americans have done. And I think it's really important that we, as we look, through our daily lives and stuff like that, that we remember little things like this. Like I said, I was about to go into we get beat up daily, whether it's things to do with the politics, things to do with differences and stuff like that.

If we come together as a unit and come together as a situation to address. Maybe an aggressor that seems to be a little bit more superior [00:04:00] or an aggressor that seems to have their stuff together when they run into the wall of the American or run into the wall of the American soldier they leave in a different manner than they came here.

So I always love those stories. I always love those type of things. And New Orleans is a great town. It's real pretty. I know the weather has gotten better down south as I've been here in New Orleans for the last couple of weeks. And I've really enjoyed feeling that warm weather and stuff like that.

And the people of New Orleans are very nice very nice. And there's surrounding areas like Hammond and stuff like that are actually really cool to actually go look at and see. And I've really enjoyed not only my journey here, but my journey of going around and meeting veterans and going around and meeting people from places that most of the time you just read about in a book or you hear something and it's really cool to actually go there and experience that.

So if you're a veteran, And you get the opportunity to go ahead and go visit these famous places, say, such as New Orleans or [00:05:00] anywhere around here, I urge you to go do it, because it's cool to find out the history, because if you know where you've been, and you know what you have accomplished, it makes it real easy to keep fighting forward and it makes it real easy to have the mindset , If those guys could actually fight off an aggressor that was far superior, why can't I fight off something in the same manner?

Especially if you're a veteran , let's just put it this way, aches and pains and different things and you keep being told just take some Motrin, keep driving on. That's what I was told when I was in the ranges daily. Here's a couple of pills. Here's some water. Here's some dry socks.

Go ahead and keep moving on. And as we get beat up daily with all the different things that really affect us throughout our lives or even our daily situations that we actually think about were reminded, that not only do we hurt we want to make sure that we're taken care of and we want to make sure that everything was done for a reason.

Everything was done. So we can actually keep moving on. And as we do that it's cool to see these little stories about the Battle of New Orleans. I think it was [00:06:00] January 8th 1815. And, of course, that was all part of the War of 1812. But even back then, Americans stood up and said, I don't think so.

I don't think you're going to just come in here and try to do this that takes this away from us. And I think that's the way veterans ought to go ahead and keep that mindset. You're not going to tell me that I can't be service connected for something. I can't have this taken care of by the VA. I when I hear stories like that, it just makes me go come on.

At one point you wore that uniform and you wore it proud and you need to go ahead and continue that mindset. Yeah, you did the honorable thing. And in recent episodes or even back in season one and two, I talked about honor integrity if you're anything to deal with the military and you keep those throughout your whole life.

I know that's one thing whenever I'm faced with a problem or I'm faced with something that makes me really sit down and think, I think about, I go, John, what's the honorable move? What is the move that [00:07:00] keeps my beliefs with integrity? And that's usually how I answer any kind of problem that actually hits me.

Some problems that takes a little bit extra effort to fight through, but the cool thing is that I've always got that. And I keep that in my head and I keep that in my heart and I'm sure a lot of you actually have the same feelings and same thoughts. So when you come to the point where you're actually looking to go ahead and start working towards telling the VA hey, look, this is what hurts. This is what happened. I really need some help to get through this. It makes it a little bit easier when you're thinking about, Hey, this is honorable, I did the right thing. So now America needs to step back up and do the honorable thing and take care of you. Like I always say, during the classes and stuff like that, we are part of a unique group.

Now, yes, there's been a ton of people that go through the military. a ton of people that go through all the different branches, but When you look at that, we raised our right hand, we signed that dotted line and we knew at any moment we could be called to go do something and maybe not come back home.

And we know that we could be put in a [00:08:00] situation where we have buddies that don't come back home. When I think of honor and I think of integrity and I think about things say, the whole thing about the war of 1812 that Americans that stood up and said, basically, I don't think this is going to happen here.

Boys. You need to go ahead back to Europe or any other type of situations. Be it. Any of the world wars, Vietnam or any, anything that Korea or the gulf, all of those, even the stuff that's happened recently it is still going to be part of our history and it's still one of those things that we have to look up at and be proud of each and every American that stood up and say, 

I'm going to go ahead and stand out and I'm going to go ahead and do what I can do, put that uniform on and go ahead and make sure that I am doing the right thing. This can continue and when you have that mindset. And all the smoke is cleared, then America needs to come back and help you because you did the right thing. coming back to that concept. You have to really look at that in a way to where. Wait a second. I do deserve this. I did this [00:09:00] and I did it for the right reasons because I was either protecting, the American life or I was protecting America or, that all relates back to family that all relates back to being honorable and being filled with integrity.

That this is what you do. And this is how you can carry that on. So think of that if you ever talk to somebody and they go yeah, I got hurt in the military too, but. That's for somebody else. Which is okay thought. But the thing is if you need help, go get it. And I think that's where there's a disconnect with veterans sometimes and that's why veterans get to a point where they don't find any answers and decide to take the wrong path.

I think as long as we stay together as a community. And, work with each other as a community, we're going to run into things where maybe we could find out something that's a little bit more superior like a superior force. Maybe we can fight off the negative thought patterns that come with dealing with the VA or dealing with naysayers or dealing with people that just want to point fingers and say, it doesn't [00:10:00] matter.

That's fine that you did that. This is a small part of your life. But what a lot of people don't know, civilians don't know is, yeah, it could have been a short period of your life. When you served, there's going to be things that happened where you served, and those things need to be addressed. Because again, you did the right thing.

If you ever get down on yourself, I want you to think about the the situation that happened in New Orleans, where you know a group of people decided, hey, no, we're going to take this back. I don't care what the situation was. And then go ahead and think about those Americans think about all the ones that came together.

They all had different backgrounds, but they all came together as 1 unit and took it down and said, no, I don't think so. Guys. We're this country and we're going to go ahead and keep this going in the right way now. Of course, we made mistakes along the way. Yes, that kind of things to happen.

But as long as we go ahead and remember the mistakes and try to make ourselves better and try to make ourselves limit those in the future. That's a win for everybody. So when you're thinking about that, or you're being talked out of, yeah. Going and getting [00:11:00] recognized by the VA about something that you know, you're ailing from I want you to think about that I want you to think about that hard, too And maybe one day you can actually step up and say, all right, to go ahead and address what happened to me.

I'm ready to go ahead and talk about what happened and After that go ahead and help the next veteran and the next veteran and the next veteran and the next veteran And hopefully someday and someday soon we get to the point where this community has grown so much that we can put some of the negativity away.

Maybe we can go ahead and change some mindsets of people that don't. truly get it. For us, for veterans of this country, there's been a lot of situations that we stood up and said, we're going to do the right thing. And some of those situations went well some didn't go well. But I do believe because I believe in the honor thing.

that America needs to step up and go ahead and take care of the veterans that did step up and say, I'm going to help. I'm going to go ahead and hopefully do [00:12:00] play my part in making sure all of this works as a group. And when you get down on yourself, I want you to think about that kind of thing.

And tell yourself, Hey, look, I, maybe I need to look at this. Maybe I need to go ahead and move forward with having the VA take a look at, something that's happened to me and I want to go ahead and it resolved in a way to where I feel better about it. Where I can build towards the future and not get so drag down in all the negativity.

And the way I look at it is we can come together as a group because we all do deserve it. We all do have a situation that we may be dealing with, but something that we can always do is put our arms around each other. We can also. Respect each other and go ahead and do what we can to help. Anybody that's hurting anybody that's thinking negative thoughts to where they get out of control.

Maybe we can do something the community can. Come together and actually put this back together and we can fight for a brighter [00:13:00] future and a brighter situation with yourselves and your brothers and sisters of the uniform. I hope everybody enjoyed this, by the way, if you are new to this podcast and maybe want to go ahead and step up and say, you know what, I do have to get some answers to things that have happened to me.

Go ahead and in the show notes, there's a little button there. You just click it and that will help you with your process. I look forward to actually meeting you and hearing your story. That's part of why I enjoy this so much because I do get to hear those stories. I do get to hear the similarities of different stories but I also love those parts of the stories that are just a little bit different than mine.

So keep in the fight, keep building this community, and keep honoring each other. Love you guys. This is Doc out.

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. [00:14:00] Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to DocOnTheRoad. com linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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