Doc On The Road

Don't Let the Old Man In

John Trimble Season 5 Episode 10

Exciting topic today from Dallas, Texas! It's a fantastic place for me with my love for the Cowboys, Stars, and Rangers. Stay active, engaged, keep moving, and keep those blood and brainwaves flowing right.

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Don't Let The Old Man In.

VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to DocOnTheRoad. com, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time for Doc on the Road. Now, I have an interesting subject today. I'm actually in Dallas, Texas, and for most of you that know me, that is an awesome place for me to be. I love the Cowboys, I love the Stars, and I also have a fondness for the Rangers.

So you can imagine I'm really enjoying my stay here. And doing a lot of things. I actually get to go to a youth hockey tournament this weekend which my grandson Owen is playing in and his team won everything [00:01:00] up in Alaska. Now, they're from Anchorage, Alaska, by the way, and now they're coming down here to play in a tournament.

So I made sure my travels got me to where I could actually not only watch them play, but actually spend some time with them. So I'm excited that's going to happen later in the week. And I'm really enjoying my time here in Dallas. Forgot how big Dallas is. Dallas is monstrous. It takes a number of minutes just to get to things that are just a couple of miles away.

Frisco is cool with all the stuff of the Dallas Cowboys there. And of course, RLA 10 has the big AT& T Stadium. So there's a lot of things around here that are really cool but traffic around here is horrible. But again, I'm going to see things that I really enjoy doing now today's topic.

I was thinking about this and I was really thinking as I drove from Shreveport, Louisiana to here. I started thinking about a couple of things and then actually sat down, tried to map it out so I could actually and deliver a message for you guys. And then I ran across something and one of the [00:02:00] guys that I really like in country music is Toby T.

And knowing that he just passed away,

He fought it. He actually has a song called don't let the old man in. And I started thinking about that. And then I heard why or how the song came about, it came about while he was working on music for our movie that starred Clint Eastwood where Clint Eastwood is like a mule an older gentleman that becomes a mule for taking, marijuana over the state lines, this stuff like that. And just trying to be into that. But then he told Toby Keith to Toby Keith goes, man, shouldn't you be slowing down? Shouldn't you be taking care of a lot of other things you have at that time when they were talking, there was like four different movies that projects that Clint Eastwood was working on, and he actually just said, Hey, you can't let the old man in.

We spurred Toby Keith to actually write the song, and I think that's a great story, but it's also a great story for us because there's a number of us that are aging veterans. Not only do we have the aches and pains [00:03:00] and all the stuff. That is being addressed or has been addressed at the VA or even with claims.

We have that stuff going on and I think that's the kind of part of the community that we really need to pay attention to and help because some people do just sit around and let the old man in. They just become less active and stuff like that. And that's what yeah. Spurred me to do what I'm doing where I'm traveling the country, talking to veterans and saying, Hey, hang in there.

We can get through this type of message to him. But as I was talking to one, I started really thinking about that whole. Don't let the old man in. What I wanted to talk about today is we really do as veterans, as we're especially us aging veterans. And I don't mind saying that I'm one of you.

There comes things that we need to go ahead and come up with to keep us active. We need to stay active, whether it's doing what I'm doing, traveling across the country in an RV, talking to people, or if you're still Located in a certain area throughout the country, you got to come up with some stuff that's actually going to help you.

I think you should have [00:04:00] a simple exercise program. I have 1 that actually takes somewhere in the ballpark of 10 to 15 minutes each day to carry out. And it's also keeping me keep the blood flow in the correct way, doing a number of things that actually keep me going and during that I can actually think about things that I have to do not only through the day, but even long term.

So it's really good for that. It's almost like a meditation type thing. Now I've had a few people watch me do these exercises and they're not strenuous because the way I do them. Because I have those aches and pains just like you. So I can only do things a certain way. And then sometimes I have to modify them as I continue to age and continue to get older.

And then there's also another thing we have to watch a little bit of our diet. Now, I know that if you guys are like me. Sometimes you have to do a few things. So I've got some stuff that's going to be coming down the pipe shortly about exercise and also nutrition.

And I'm sure that if I got with the president of VACI, Terrell Morrell, he's going [00:05:00] to help me out with that. if you guys remember, he's like an excellent chef. So maybe he can help me out as I develop something to help. aging vets with that. But the main idea is stay active.

Don't let the old man in, stay active, stay engaged with the world, stay engaged with moving around, make sure you get the blood flowing, make sure you get the brainwaves flowing the right way. Make sure that you're always continuously is a word want to really stress, up, Yeah. Now, for some, what I'm doing with the RV and traveling on, that might not be your gig, that might not be your thing, that's fine, but you still got to get out and do stuff, there's got to be stuff around you that can help, and if nothing else, volunteer at your local VA, do some stuff there, help veterans out that way, there's a number of different ideas and different things that can get you active.

 But by being active, we're going to be able to make ourselves a little bit healthier. It's funny when you come up with these ideas because sometimes into them and then also you go blank. [00:06:00] But that's what's going on right now, but it's the main thing.

And there's a saying that I always remember that, keep calm and let freedom ring. With that saying. Follows right into don't let the old man in we've got to go ahead and take care of ourselves and make sure that we're doing stuff to keep ourselves not only moving, but doing it in the right manner, keeping ourselves healthy, especially if you've gone through this whole process of doing claims getting that all taken care of that's the way I look at it being 100 percent permanent and total.

I need to go ahead and make sure that I can keep myself being healthy. and keep myself being active so I can actually enjoy all that. It's one of the things that makes us. We can stay in the fight. talking about. Toby Keith at the beginning of this, he stayed in the fight. He actually put up one hell of a battle.

And early on, I used to say stuff like, you need to grab your sword and slay your dragons. It's the same concept. You've got to go ahead and be positive and you've got to keep moving forward and you got to keep fighting [00:07:00] it. Soon as you give up, that's when, somebody else wins or something else wins.

You have got to keep in the fight. You've got to keep moving. And like I said, here in the future, I'll have some stuff come out about nutrition, have some stuff come out also about staying active and maybe some exercise type of ideas that might help you. So love you guys. Hope you enjoy this and looking forward to developing all that stuff for you.

I think this is a great way to make sure that our aging veterans also stay in the game and stay in the fight. All right. Love you. This is doc out.

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free [00:08:00] VA claim discovery call today. By going to DocOnTheRoad. com linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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