Doc On The Road

Don't Let the Old Man In Part 2

John Trimble Season 5 Episode 11

Last week's episode delved into the backstory of "Don't Let the Old Man In," Clint Eastwood's connection, and how Toby Keith wrote the song. This is part two. Connect with the veteran community for valuable support. Visit the VA or chat with veterans in a cafe to aid your journey. 

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Don't Let The Old Man In Part 2

VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to DocOnTheRoad. com, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of uniforms. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the Road. Now, we had an interesting episode last week talking about Don't Let the Old Man In talking about Clint Eastwood, talking about how that came about, how Toby Keith actually wrote that song. But it's really one of those type of things where I think we need to really take another look at.

So we're going to call this one part two if that's okay with you guys. The way I look at this is as an aging veteran, I have to do modifications to say a workout plan or to [00:01:00] daily activities because of my conditions. Now, each of us need to find some way of doing that. There's a lots of ways to also get exercise that.

People don't really think about if you start a garden if you decide that you're going to make birdhouses, any kind of positive activity will lead to movement will lead to other things to keep us healthy as we go through not only the claims process, but life in general. So I think it's really important for us to really catch onto.

 If you are stagnant, just sitting around not doing a whole lot, that's not gonna help, that's not gonna help you with your conditions because all you're gonna do is sit there and ponder that. That's the way the brain works. You're gonna ponder it over and over. Before you know it, you're gonna talk yourself out of activities that you may enjoy.

I know that there was a point where I play guitar. And there's days where I'll just strap on the guitar, put on some headphones. And see what I can do there just to copy some of that stuff. Now, since I've gotten older and the arthritis in the [00:02:00] fingers don't work like they used to say back in the 80s, 90s, so I'm a little bit slower, but thanks to a number of really good guitar players that actually taught me some lessons actually not only speed up, but not to overdo it.

So my fingers can actually go through sets of songs and stuff like that for a period of time. Also, seek out help with if you're doing a garden, there's got to be some kind of community project that you can actually enjoy and learn more about gardening talk to a young man recently where he was working at an insurance company and, going through all the processes that get licensed, all that, but on the side, he did gardening and now he's been hired by the city to actually do all the garden s for the city.

As well as other special projects to help out the community and funny how this works out, but because of that, he was able to drop the other position and go with that because it won paid more and gave him something that he loves Im very proud of that young man. Very proud that worked [00:03:00] that out and got into a situation where.

He can love work. A lot of us get into those situations where we don't love work. A lot of us get into situations where Too many changes happen too fast and can throw us off. There's a number of different things, but the main thing you need to learn is try to keep that positive mindset. Try to make everything work for you by making it work for you.

No matter what the situation. You're going to be happier. You're going to be able to move a little bit. You're going to be able to get out, smell the air. You're going to be able to do stuff. I don't suggest you do what I'm doing where I jumped into an RV and I'm going around talking to veterans and I'm doing different things in different cities all the time.

Last week I was what, New Orleans, then I came through Shreveport and Bossier City. On a side note, when I was a kid, my dad was a radio disc jockey. He was a big time country disc jockey. And we would have to move around a lot. So I actually lived in Shreveport for a good number of years of my youth.

where he worked for the famous radio station K. W. K. H. Now, some of you that [00:04:00] live in Louisiana area might know what I'm talking about. They used to do the Louisiana hayride. And it would be big time people that actually went and did this. It was Patsy Cline. Hank Williams. That's right. Hank Williams, not Hank Williams Jr.

 So yeah, you can tell by the time frame of that how that Was, but getting back to my point, I remember Shreveport and Bossier City being sleepy little towns. Not really a whole lot going on there. Big surprise to me is what I went through there. It looks like mini Las Vegas now. So they made some changes built up and both the areas actually not only are appealing.

But seemed to actually have a lot of activity going on and they're growing and growing. So that was pretty cool to see. Now like I said in the last episode, I'm in Dallas, Texas, which is a great place for me because I love all the sports teams here. I love the attitude here. Matter of fact, I went to a Walmart yesterday and everybody was so nice.

It was just, it was refreshing. I loved it. But back to the [00:05:00] activity part of this. You really do need to think about this. You really do need to get into a situation where you're moving. You're creating that blood to move, getting your heart pumping. Getting those positive brainwaves flowing, that kind of thing, that will help you, especially if you're an aging vet like me.

And like I said just a little while ago, you don't have to get into an RV and go do what I did. But I could tell you there's a lot of benefits in that. I've stayed at a number of bases throughout all the branches. It really got to talk to some really nice people. It really started building what I call healthy relationships.

If you're sitting there, you're going to have a negative relationship and negative relationship is going to only be with you. So it makes it double negative. So get out there. Do stuff. Don't let that old man in. Don't let that set in to where you're not moving. You're not doing something. There's too many things out there, especially in the veteran community.

There's a number of things in a veteran community that will help you achieve that. Go to the VA, talk to some veterans sitting around in the cafe, [00:06:00] whatever it takes just to help yourself move. But also maybe help somebody else. So love you guys. Hope this is a good message for you. And I look forward to talking to everybody.

I think I'm leaving Dallas at some point shortly, and we'll be headed to Austin, Texas, and the guys down in Austin tell me that they've got something set up to where I can actually really meet with all of them, the coaches a number clients that, that are there. Really looking forward to it.

And then after that, it'll be Houston. I get to go face to face with Stacey Allen and Shelley Allen, that's going to be fun. Whenever we get together, we seem to always have fun. Even though they call me the old man, love you guys. So if you guys have a great one and I look forward to the next episode and sharing some more information with you, this is doc out.

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings [00:07:00] or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to DocOnTheRoad. com linked in our show notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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