Doc On The Road


John Trimble Season 5 Episode 15

Now, as I go through this, you might find it a bit different from what you're accustomed to. Change is inevitable, and sometimes it's necessary to step aside to allow new blood and ideas to build upon existing foundations.

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VACI: [00:00:00] If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have received a low rating, or you're unsure of how to get started, reach out to us. Go to DocOnTheRoad. com, linked in our show notes, and take advantage of a free VA Claims Discovery Call. Learn what you've been missing so you can finally get the disability rating and compensation you deserve.

Dr. John: Hello, my brothers and sisters of the uniform. Yes, it's time again for Doc on the Road. Hey, listen, I've got a couple of things here. I've been going through little towns here in Texas and I went through one little town. Matter of fact, I don't think you can get any more American than this. It's called Liberty Hill, Texas.

Come on now. You guys have to admit that's pretty American sounded. But now when I was going through Liberty Hill. I noticed something really cool. They had a really cool memorial to veterans right there in that little town square. And when I [00:01:00] say town square, I mean something that's like two blocks long, I think.

Right in the middle of it, boom, there's a memorial that looked very nice. It had a statue in it. And then when I, I left there and drove just a couple of miles up the road, I went to Bertram. Texas, they had the same thing. They had another memorial for veterans. And I thought that was so cool to actually see that.

And know that, you know, they did it to go ahead and not only honor veterans, but to go ahead and make it a stay or a main item there in town in these little towns. Even back in Virginia or North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, stuff like that. I am actually really enjoying these little towns on how they look at veterans and how they treat veterans.

And I think that is probably one of the best things that I've seen. It really warmed my heart. I thought it was awesome. But now to today's subject I want to go ahead and say it's time to get serious now. You need to get serious. Now, I've done a number of different podcasts on this.

I've seen a [00:02:00] number of brand new clients coming through VA claims insider, which brings me to a side note. If you're wanting to get. Hooked up with a coach at VA Claims Insider. There's a little button in our show notes that you can actually just push. It'll speed up the process and you'll get right talking to somebody that knows what we're all about and how this all works.

But now back to the subject. I see a lot of clients where they're, they're stalling. Well, I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can do that. Okay, let's take this and break it down real quick. If you become 100 percent permanent total, okay, you're looking at somewhere around 50, 000 a year provided to you by the VA.

Okay. Just in compensation. Then you're also looking at free health care for you and your family. You're looking at situations that could help out with college. You're looking at different situations. So, That amount keeps going up and up and up. And not to mention all the tax breaks that you have in certain states.

It's too different to actually go through to ID [00:03:00] everybody's state, but there's plenty of things out there. A matter of fact, go to our website on VA claims insider. You'll see Brian's book where he breaks down each state and the benefits. But the thing is, that throws me. Veterans seem to be sometimes their worst enemy, and they will actually talk themselves out of doing something because there's a cost to it, or there's a certain step that you have to make to make sure that you've got the right medical evidence, let's say.

There's a number of different things that kind of just seems to get in the way of veterans. You need to quit playing around. You need to quit doing that and knocking yourself down as well as other veterans. I keep hearing about all kinds of different things that people come up with that your guns will be taken away if you're treated for mental health.

That's not exactly true. You have to be adjudicated for a crime. Or being adjudicated in the process of that for anything like that to remotely happen. Most of that type of stuff is done because you become a [00:04:00] danger. And you can't be trusted at that point. Now, even with red flag laws, it still has to be an incident that you are involved in and being adjudicated for.

In other words, you have to have a situation that you created unless it's like self defense or something like that. Nothing like that can actually happen, I talked to even pilots they talk about you know, I don't want my flying license to be taken away because I'm seeking mental health.

Now, yes, there's certain rules under the FAA and thank God there are, because if you are having issues with mental health, you need to take a look at more about your issue and what you need to do to get treatment so you can get into the right frame of mind to go through life. Not about some kind of special license or something like that.

That takes 2nd base. In my opinion, you can't have that situation because you're entrusted with lives of many people. You're entrusted with a number of different [00:05:00] situations. And if you're actually not doing very well, because of a mental health case, or a mental health diagnosis. You're You might take an honest look at that and say, yep, I need to make sure I get the treatment because the treatment and getting help with that is more important.

Because we're talking about you making it through the rest of your life. Okay. Which brings me back to 50, 000 dollars. Roughly 50, 000 and it's higher when you add up all the taxes and all that other stuff on the outside of what you're going to get for the rest of your life because of something that happened and you make the connections for it and the VA says yes.

We agree and they honor you with this. You need to take a look at that. I don't know too many people that can't be able to make it through life with an extra 50, Not to mention the free health care, not to mention the tax breaks, not to mention everything else that comes along with that. So I think it's time that you get serious.

If you're going to get serious, you [00:06:00] got to do this the right way. You've got to get with your coach. You've got to have strategy, got to be educated in the whole process and the process for that particular condition. And you have got to get medical evidence. If you don't have these 3 things, you are risking not being able to have service connection and that's just the bottom line.

That's the way it works. And you really need to get it. going in a way to where you can actually better your life, your family's lives, and also help out other veterans because they'll follow your story right along with that. So I hopefully this didn't hit you too hard, but I think there's a couple things that we don't look at as veterans and we put hurdles in front of ourselves.

And by putting hurdles in front of ourselves is just stalling the process and creating anxiety even more because we're not moving forward. I don't know any branch of the service that doesn't have that thought pattern of, you got it in advance. I don't know any of them be it, you know, whatever, whatever branch you served in, it's always [00:07:00] about the advance.

Move to the objective. Let's get going. Just stand there and bad things are going to happen. You're not going to get what you deserve. You're not going to get what you've already earned. So let's put all that stuff away. Let's get going, get with a coach, get that SEM method working. The SEM where I talked about strategy, education, and medical evidence rolling in your favor, and let's get going.

Love you guys. Talk to you later. This is Doc out. 

VACI: The VA claims process is a pain. Many veterans struggle for years trying to increase their ratings or even getting rated at all. Most are not getting the compensation they deserve. Here at VA Claims Insider, we've supported and educated more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their rating.

Now it's your turn. Schedule your free VA claim discovery call today. By going to DocOnTheRoad. com linked in our show [00:08:00] notes, you'll learn what gaps you need to fill and how to increase your rating.

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